A Return to Racing (Thoresby 10k)

When I thought about writing this post I was hoping it would be about how racing had started to resume and the effectiveness of the new measures in making it as safe as possible. Unfortunately the UK is now in another lockdown but I think the measures taken at this time made for a safe feeling environment which kept the racing atmosphere and spirit as much as possible and I have nothing but praise for the organisers for this. After a sizeable amount of training just to keep the ball rolling with my 2 summer goal races getting cancelled I managed to get some more specific training in with the local club. At this point I should add that after moving house just before lockdown one this was affectively all new people to me but Its seems like we all ran well this weekend over the different distances we attempted. The Thoresby 10k is a trail race around the Hall and its grounds one lap being the 10k course and 2 slightly extended laps creating a half marathon option. I took part in the ...